Saturday, June 11, 2011

"2" or "22"?!

Sometimes I wonder how hold Caden thinks he is. . .

Lately, we've heard. . .

"Mom, don't follow me!" "Caden says 'yes'!" "I told you so!" "Get out of my room!" "Don't talk to me!" "Leave me alone!" "Shhhhh!" "That's ridiculous!" "Do you understand me?!" "Are you crazy?!" "What the heck?!" "I'm not talking to you anymore!" "Don't be so cross!" "Are you serious?! I'm not gonna do anymore tricks!"

"I've got a question." (Sometimes followed by a question, but usually not.) "I have a good idea." "Let me tell you about it." "It's got to be somewhere around here!" "That's weird!" "You can come with me if you want." "What can I do for you, Mom?" "Oh, my!" "Oh, man!" "Oh, baby!" "I'll be right back." (At the farm and the coast. . .where does he think he's going by himself already?!) "Holy moley, guacamole!" "Those colors are brilliant!" "Delicious!" "That bird is squawking!" 

He has been preparing us for having two kids. . .

"Mama, Sasha's (his dog) watching me (eat)!" "Sasha, Mama doesn't listen to me!" "I don't want Sasha to play with me anymore.  She breaks everything!"

Some of my favorite "conversations". . .

Mama:  "Whatcha doin', Caden?"
Caden:  "Nuffin'!"

Caden:  "Here, Mom. This (plastic pancake) will make you feel better."
Mama:  "Thank you, Caden."
Caden:  "You need to go to the doctor.  Daddy will stay here and watch me."

Caden: "Come on, Mama.  You can do it!" (While watching me at 7 1/2 months preggos try to roll out of bed.)

Grandma: "Is Mommy tired?"
Caden: "No, Mommy's big!"

Caden: "Mom, come lay on the floor with me."
Mama:  "Caden, Mama can't lay on the floor anymore."
Caden:  "Yes you can.  Just try!"

And my favorite from today. . .

Caden:  "What a shame!"
Mama:  "What's a shame?"
Caden:  "My sheep went in my pee pee!" (After dropping his Fisher Price sheep in his potty chair. . .)

Talking to Nan, "Okay, okay, goodbye!"

1 comment:

  1. So darn cute! You've got quite the little ham at your house. :)
